Maha Vishnu is worshipped in the reclining pose (Ananthashayanam).
He rests on the coiled body of Sheshnag with Lord Brahma emanating from His umbilicus in a lotus.
The right hand of Mahavishnu is stretched out and underneath it rests a Shiva lingam symbolising Shiva. In the right hand MahaVishnu is seen holding a Lotus.
He is worshipped by hundreds of devas and rishis who surround Him.
Goddess Lakshmi sits near the feet of Vishnu.
This vision of the Lord is known as Anantha Padmanabha Swamy.
Th iconography is representative of the idea that Brahma emanates from Vishnu and is the father of creation. Lord Vishnu sustains it and when the world disappears Lord Vishnu is offering a lotus to Lord Shiva who represents the Absolute. This deity signifies the unity of trinity.
The Creator = The Sustainer = The Destroyer
Arunachala has this darshan of Anatha Padmanabha Swamy which is easily seen from the road to Kanchi and Parvathamalai, just a few kilometers from girivallam road.
This darshan is an insipration of intuition and has nothing to do with any recorded darshans of Arunachala that I have come across.
One can clearly see the form of the Hill resembling the reclining pose of Maha Vishnu.
The vast sky is the creation signifying Brahma and the Absolute is beyond comprehension representing the Whole, Lord Shiva.
The great Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Darshan of Arunachala
Thank you for this vishwa rupa darshanam Mithin